srettamelppa's Profile

  • Apr 11, 2007
  • 1
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Latest comments made by: srettamelppa

  • This is crazy... a novice user could disable a Mac by moving ALL the folders to the trash... or a baseball bat would work too! Some people should just stay away from technology; in my job at tech support I've told at least five people to donate their computer to Goodwill and never buy another one! Computers are actually complicated pieces of technology of which the Mac is the easiest to use. You need a license and training to drive a car, even the easiest ones with automatic transmissions and GPS navigation. Why do people expect computers to be something they don't have to master. Oh, and I'm buying a violin this weekend... I should be able to use that without any problem, otherwise I will demand my money back and write a long blog about how violin manufacturers are not intuitive.
    srettamelppa had this to say on Apr 11, 2007 Posts: 1
    And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive